Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pisces 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Okay, pause for a moment and check your pulse. Still there? Good. That means you survived the last couple of years with both Saturn and Pluto in less-than-perfect places for you. And by "less than perfect," I mean "lousy." Good news! Both of astrology's heavyweights have moved on to more constructive places for you. Now is the time to take that famous Pisces sensitivity (still intact from the challenges of the last while) and put it to work making your life a happier and more comfortable place.

You'll be receiving a lot more attention from others in 2010: loved ones, family and co-workers will all be drawn to you at times like moths to a flame. And as a result of the last couple of years worth of hassle, you'll be a stronger person with better judgment, and much better able to handle the influx. Enjoy your new position at the center of your own social circle!

One more noteworthy change from the previous year: Jupiter will be in your sign for most of the year, giving you a newfound sense of optimism and happiness about things no matter how they turn out. You'll be feeling expansive, but be careful not to expand too much -- this transit also comes with a more than usual chance of weight gain. There will be a renewed emphasis on health, fitness and personal well-being in the spring -- take advantage of that. Then again, maybe you just deserve the break. What's a pound or to compared to real happiness?


Aquarius 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Aquarius often gets pegged as being a little too cerebral for its own good. But the truth is, that's where you do your best work. The next year is going to give you the opportunity to use those sharp mental powers to focus on what it is you really want out of life. Two eclipses fall in your Twelfth House, which will bring out your intuitive side, and give you a chance to see your life from a less-strictly-logical (yet no less valid) perspective. The additional information they give you about your life and your position in it will be your big chance to put things in order.

Saturn is also going to be bringing big changes as to your philosophical approach to life. What fundamental approaches to life have worked for you, and what haven't? You may have never stopped to ask that question, or known the benefits of finding the right answer to it. This year, those answers will come, and your life is likely to be a saner, better-adjusted place for it.

Of course, it's impossible to have a well-ordered world around you without having a few other people in it. The middle part of the year will see close friends and partners coming and going in your life, more so than you've seen in a long time. In part, this will be a reflection of the changes going on in your "higher mind." And again, the overall effect should be a positive one. It's your worldview, Aquarius -- make it the best you can!

Capricorn 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

One of the things that never seems to come across in those generic descriptions of Capricorns is their inherent sweetness. You're every bit as kind and caring as anyone else (if not more so), but have a tendency to hide it behind a mask that downplays your vulnerability. Now that Pluto (the planet which is best at blowing things up) has moved into your sign, and Saturn has moved into your Tenth (the Work House).

Although this one-two punch might be too much for lesser souls to handle, you're well equipped with the tenacity to not only survive these circumstances, but in fact come out ahead on the deal. Think of these two planetary placements as bringing new ways to bring out your inner strength, without you having to lose that sweetness and kindness you've had all along.

Pluto has moved from the spooky funhouse of your Twelfth House into the light of day, figuratively speaking, in your First House. This means you'll be focusing on how you see the world, and how it sees you, in new and powerful ways. Think of it as an opportunity to evolve into a higher form of yourself.

Capricorn is actually ruled by Saturn, which not only represents difficulties and limitations (every planet has its bad side), but also represents the obstacles you have to overcome to get what you want out of life. In your Fourth House now, this means questions around your home life, and brings the chance to (literally) put your house in order. The next year's difficulties will mostly serve as an opportunity for everyone else to admire how well you overcame them. And you will!


Sagittarius 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Did you just hear that gigantic cry of "hooray"? That was the sound of millions of Sagittarian lives getting better in 2010. Pluto has moved out of your sign, and Saturn has left Virgo (which wasn't doing you any favors either, as you may have noticed from the unusual pressures in your home life, and the difficulties you've had getting what you need to feel secure).

Of course, as much as you'd like all of life to match that happy, carefree streak you have, you know it doesn't always work out that way. The big pressures have just moved on and changed form. Fortunately, your reputation for being able to see the bright side of things will generally be justified by these new issues. There will be new challenges to your money supply and how you handle your money, and yet you'll also have new opportunities to correct problems in your material life, and maybe even prosper more than you ever have before.

Work is also going to present new roles and new opportunities, and will also give you chances to shine. And there will also be new demands from your friends and loved ones. But those same issues will help you sort out who is of real value to you, and what your real value is to them too. The hard work that you've sometimes had to put in during the last two years is going to start paying off for you. And for some of you, the rewards will be enormous. Can I hear a "hooray" out there?

Scorpio 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Scorpios have a certain reputation for taking things a little too seriously, and to some extent you've earned that. The next year is going to give you new opportunities to really express yourself in new ways, and to get results from all that Scorpionic intensity you've been carrying around all your life. On the one hand, there will be new pressures developing as far as a lot of long-standing issues that you've faced for a long time, and that have been building for the last few years. New channels of communication will be opening up for you, and new ways to express yourself.

There may be a sense of deep pressure building when it comes to how you live your life and deal with the Big Picture issues. The usual problems of day-to-day living -- paying the bills, dealing with relationships, making time for yourself -- may merely be the guise in which these issues present themselves. In fact, with Saturn transiting your Twelfth House of hidden issues, you may find yourself confronted with people and issues that are merely your own issues in disguise. Think of it as a psychodrama where those around you are merely playing out individual psychological factors within yourself.

The good news is that no other sign in the zodiac is better equipped to stare an issue in the eye and see it for what it really is than you. Over the years, you've developed the tools you'll need to not only make it through another year but to prosper in all the ways that really count.

Libra 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

The symbol for Libra is Balance. In the next year, you'll find yourself doing even more balancing than usual; you're going to be pressed to decide if your internal sense of happiness should be the focus of life more than the outward signs of success. This may have been weighing heavily on your mind for the last several months, as far as work and the state of your love life. What you are likely to be weighing this year is a little more intangible (and a little more important) than those things. Specifically, in 2010 you'll find yourself weighing out the cost of the connections you've formed for yourself versus their actual value to you.

There's going to be a lot of pressure on you from within and without as to who you really are at heart and who you really are to those closest to you. This will be both in your personal life and at work. The natural Libra impulse is often to make peace with these kind of pressures, or negotiate your way around them. Your best bet in the next year though will be to recognize your own inherent value -- not just what you appear to be worth to others.

In the final analysis this is all good news, even if it's good news in disguise. No one is better than you at beautifying things or finding the inherent beauty in the mundane. Once you realize that you yourself are at least as shiny and pretty as any accessory -- in your heart and soul, where beauty really counts -- you'll have begun assembling a better You. Breathe through the difficult spots, and enjoy the results!

Virgo 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Whew! Feel that enormous burden sliding off of your shoulders, like you've been carrying around an overstuffed backpack for the last couple of years? That would be Saturn, planet of structures and limitation, moving out of your sign. Congratulations, first of all, on having simply made it through more or less in one piece. You passed through the fire and made it out the other side.

Now, what to do with that spiritual Medal of Honor you've earned? Well, for one thing, establish who it is you really are with both yourself and those around you. Your ability to quietly endure both the big and little outrages of life have served you well in the last couple of years, and many of those around you may have come to assume that either it wasn't as rough on you as it was, or that you are somehow made of steel. In fact, you may have come to the same conclusion yourself. Virgo has a reputation for being able to take care of others with the best of them -- but can you turn that same care and attention on yourself? That's the big question you'll be facing in 2010.

The good news (beyond simply less bad news) is that there will be all kinds of opportunities opening up for you in new directions as far as fun, recreation and romance. So take advantage of those whenever you can. You've earned it!

Leo 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Oh, big playful Leo -- how the last couple of years have been dramatic (and often less than kind) for you! There's little doubt that whatever you've gone through in the last year, the uppers have fueled your inherent charm and lovability, and the downers have gotten a little ignored. That's one of the problems with being a Leo: you can be so sunny that no one notices the rainy days. Mars in your sign this spring is going to give you newfound energy and motivation to really get things done your way, and the summer will bring new opportunities to express yourself.

The challenges will be slowly changing from big drama to smaller, more manageable issues. You've probably been too busy taking care of others to really take care of yourself lately, but 2010 marks a new direction in taking yourself seriously, and taking care of yourself with the due diligence and concern you usually reserve for others. Don't think of it as becoming inwardly-focused; think of it as doing the necessary maintenance on yourself so you can do a better job of letting your light shine for others.

Life is going to be taking a turn for the philosophical in the next year. All of the noise and confusion of the last year may have made you neglect your Higher Self; that too should be a part of your personal care regimen. This year is going to provide ample opportunities for you to get caught up on your spiritual homework. And, unlike regular homework, you'll probably feel like there's a point to doing it!

Cancer 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

One thing that all Crabs (astrological Cancers or the seafood type of crab) know deep in their hearts is that someone, somewhere out there knows how great it would be to bust them wide open and eat them with melted butter. The big news for you this year, Cancer, is that Pluto has moved into your Seventh House, which rules marriage, partnerships and close relationships. This means that someone may very well be cracking your heart open in the next year.

Cancer has a bit of a reputation for enjoying doom and gloom. You don't. You just seem to get more than your fair share of it. It must be that thick shell of yours. Everyone assumes you can just take it.

The good news is that you earned that reputation because you can take it, and more. And often, your greatest moments come when you have overcome the greatest obstacles. Thankfully, the roadblocks you face in 2010 won't be that devastating, but they'll certainly give you an opportunity to shine. New support and new energy will be entering your life from unexpected and overlooked people and things, and you'll be able to soar above it all!

Gemini 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Isn't it great being a Gemini? All that charm, that mental flexibility, that ability to see both sides of the issue ... you're the wonder of the zodiac. Take a bow. The problem with that is that both sides of the issue have been kind of a drag. Good news: that's all going to change in the next year!

Gemini is one of the few Sun signs that doesn't have an animal symbol, but this may be the year that all of that changes. In the past few years, with Pluto opposing your sign, you've been a little like a monkey, swinging from branch to branch trying desperately to keep one step ahead of the predators and keep yourself fed. With Pluto now moved on into Capricorn, a lot of the major partnership issues you've faced will be lightening up. You'll still retain the swing, but this year you're going to feel a lot more like a hummingbird: still mobile, still getting things done, but in a much more elegant manner.

Your renowned intellect has been strained the last couple of years, as it's been forced to find solutions to the many issues you've been dealt. In 2010, you'll finally be gaining some traction on your biggest challenges, and solutions will flow to you with ease.

Aries 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

A lot of last year's difficulties, if you think about it, boiled down to a lot of fiddly little details getting in the way of you realizing your dreams. Let's be honest about it, Aries: struggling with the small stuff just isn't your style. In the next year, you'll find that a lot of these pressures ease off, to the point where your biggest issue may be other people's ability to keep up with you!

The months surrounding your birthday will bring more than the usual amount of Spring Fever. You'll be facing an urge to bust loose from your limitations and, properly handled, that energy will push you to new highs as far as you General satisfaction with life. The summer will find you speaking your mind more with those who are closest to you. You may not have been shy about expressing yourself before, but it's as if you needed to find just the right words.

In the past, knowing what you want out of life and getting the co-operation of those closest to you haven't always gone hand in hand. That theme will carry on throughout much of the year, and will come to a peak again in December. At times there may be frustrations, but if you keep a level head, you'll probably find that those around you really are on your team, ultimately.

Taurus 2010 Your Horoscope Life

Year 2010 Overview

Taurus always gets tagged with things like "pleasure-seeking" and "materialistic." That's probably unfair, in most cases. You're just as good at dishing out the pleasure as you are at seeking it, and who doesn't like a few nice things around? Sadly, there's been just too much struggle in your life the last couple of years when it comes to those two very important parts of your life. Thankfully, 2010 marks the end of that long uphill struggle. Your pleasurable pursuits have been a little more restricted than you'd like over the course of the last two years or so. That's over with now, so ... game on!

The big events this year will not so much be a matter of major happenings as they will be things that have been in the works and are slowly revealing themselves. In the last two years, you've put a lot of work into what makes you happy, while Saturn transited your solar Fifth House. Now that those pressures are finally being relieved, you'll find you are finally gaining traction. Certainly, your love life and your career will feel the difference, but beyond that you'll notice things going a lot better in other departments of your life. You may have already noticed some of these changes starting to kick in; the real results start happening around your birthday in 2010.

Taurus 2010 Forecasts

Taurus, as the year begins, you should give your attention to a matter that needs to be dealt with urgently - and don't let your concentration slip. Someone will be watching over your shoulders but you should try to ignore this. You will be making some serious decisions towards the end of
January and these will have far-reaching consequences.

Because of this, you can't be too cautious when dealing with matters that could make a difference to your future. Take nothing for granted and avoid making impetuous moves. Another Taurean or a Capricorn might offer some good advice.

Taurus Year Ahead 2010

Now yes life will be full of ups and downs during the first three months of 2010. But if there is some disappointment, the best way to handle it is to look on the bright side. There will be lots of good things happening to you too and if at first you can't see this, your judgement will be slightly clouded, that's all. Look at your life from a different perspective and you will see you've got lots to be glad about and lots to look forward to.

As March begins, you will notice that someone is being overly polite and obliging. You might feel they are hiding something from you and you could be right. This could be the calm before the storm as once they get whatever it is off their chest around the middle of the month, they won't be so falsely considerate. And at least you will know where you stand in certain relationships.

In April, travel for business may not be as successful as you had hoped. Interviews and meetings may be slightly disappointing. What you will find, however, is that your decision not to continue dealing with difficult people will be a good one. This will make space in your life, in the summer, to accept a much more interesting opportunity. I have to say that April's a great month for new beginnings, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus all spending time in your sign at this time.

Taurus 2010 Horoscope

You were born under a cautious sign but a little risk will add excitement to your life. You don't usually go out of your way to find something to boost your spirits but you will need a change in April or May.Mercury's in your income sector in June. Also the new moon this month suggests that either your own or your partner's extravagance will reap havoc with your bank balance. Leave your credit cards at home if you think you'll succumb to temptation.

And then, in July, job and outside commitments might clash with personal plans. There will be some difficult choices to make and although you will wish someone else could make these for you, in this case, you are on your

Now I talked about your need to take a few risks earlier. But Taurus, in the summer, as keen as you might be to get your teeth into certain projects, your stars suggest that you should slow down and use caution. Circumstances won't always be as they appear.

Around the middle of August, it will be a general feeling of restlessness or an impulsive decision that takes you to a place you don't often visit. What happens there has something to do with your future Destiny although it might seem like just another ordinary day to you.

Generally, you shouldn't have any complaints about the way everything goes during the last few months of the year. Most plans happen to be going your way. A close friend will not, however, be sharing such success and he or she may need some help to get them back on the right track.

Remember too, Taurus, that in the year 2010, perseverance is the name of the game if you want to make a success of what you do. Don't throw in the towel too soon if things don't go your way. Have faith in yourself and you'll be surprised at your achievements.

According to horoscope 2010 during the year of the Tiger, owners of Taurus sign will be busy mainly with their home, family and relations with relatives. This 2010 year of white Tiger it will be necessary to restore the relations, reconcile those who had quarreled. Some estrangement in family and strained relations with parents are possible, especially in mid-summer. Probably, some repairs or rearrangement of home await you; moreover circumstances of the 2010 year will force you to do it with your own hand. Yet the planets' position in 2010 horoscope promises Taurus inheritance or profits from risky ventures.

In the first half of 2010-year of white Tiger Taurus may be dejected by the amount of duties and affairs, but that is the wrong line - it will be better to reorganize your personal space and to consider a list of primary tasks. If you fulfill these conditions without fail, Saturn in 2010 horoscope will favor you and present with two excellent chances to fix your affairs - on the one hand, the solving of inheritance problem, on the other hand - a good profit from real estate operations. February is the most favorable time of the 2010 year of Tiger for career development - for just a few days Taurus can achieve more than for months of hard work. Financially in horoscope 2010 successful time falls to March and April, however be especially cautious in June.

In April and November in Taurus' 2010 horoscope planet Venus, who is actually the patroness of Taurus and the goddess of love, will bring you lucky love and fortune (the latter, taken reasonably, may change your private life for the better). An advantageous marriage is possible in late July - early August. December will be the wrong time of the 2010 year of white Tiger for starting a clandestine affair - all secrets come out sooner or later, and you risk losing money and spoiling your reputation.

Before the very New Year planet Jupiter in horoscope 2010 will enter Capricorn sign, which favors Taurus, and will open up a new page of Taurus' life. So the very beginning of the 2010 year of the Tiger will be especially favorable for those who want to perform a new start, pay attention to this period - everything (thanks Jupiter) will turn out as you wish.

Taurus in 2010

Taurus 2010 Career and Income Horoscope

Taurus 2010 yearly horoscope is a mixed bag with uncertain career development options. The first quarter of the year may display uncertain times for people who are looking to promote their career. People may see a likely failure while undertaking sensitive business ventures. It is also likely that the first half of the year may be a bit bad for people who are looking to raise their income levels. Hasty investments and ill-planned career moves can derail your personal finances. Pay hikes and promotion may be very hard to come by while people may face competition in the workplace. However, most people who are born under this sign may escape any psychological ordeals with their sheer will power and determination.
People working in advertising and entertaining industry may get tremendous success in their career. Female show-persons, actors, models and costume designers will stand to gain immensely satisfying results. People who are looking for a career in motion picture and hospitality industry will get their break in the second half of the year. In summary, most Taurus people will find the second half of the year to be more promising and encouraging.
Taurus 2010 Love, Family and Social life Horoscope

Love, family and social life for Taurus people can be somewhat disappointing throughout the year. Immense marital and domestic trouble may brew in the first quarter of the New Year while the last quarter may act as a period of reconciliation. Due to the bad confluence of Mars and Saturn planets, Taurus people may undergo serious marital strain in the first half of the year. However, the legendary will power of Taurus will see these people recuperate from all possible domestic upheavals. People who are looking towards new relationship will need to plan very carefully. Social life for the New Year could be very disturbing while workplace relationship could see marked disturbance. In all, the last part of the New Year will bring hopes and encouragement to all Taurus people.
Taurus 2010 Education and Traveling Horoscope

On a positive note, 2010 Taurus horoscope is an excellent year for students, researchers and scholars. Professionals who work in research laboratories may do exceedingly well in their field. Students may see unqualified success coming in their way in the first half of the year. Academic achievements and scholarship gains are possible in the second half of the year. Due to their innate intelligence and eruditeness, Taurus people can reach very high success levels throughout the year. Travelling is possible many Taurus students in the middle parts of the year.
Taurus 2010 Health Horoscope

Health wise, Taurus 2010 yearly horoscope may not to be too good. Occasional health problems may impede daily life while health problems associated with lungs and stomach may bother people in the last quarter of the year. Minor accidents may await some Taurus people in the third quarter of the year.


Your luck for 2010
Your luck will be found through friends and groups of people, it's all about working with other's to achieve your goals rather than going it alone. New friendships of different cultures/background or even joining a group/association will make an important mark on your life this year.

Career and Finances
The first six months of 2010 can be quite challenging at work as you find it quite hard to focus yourself, expect career plans to take off from June onwards. A new professional beginnings in February is indicated, a great time to make headway with new ventures and ideas. Stable finances are indicated where you reap the rewards of hard labour. However keep a careful eye on finances in the run up too May as underlying problems can surface then. August-November important associations in the workplace can work in your favour helping you to achieve great things.

Love Life and Family
Life at home between January-March can be quite heated and intense as issues from the past can consume your energies to the extent where professional concerns take a backseat. There can also be home improvements physically but also emotionally in mending relations with those close to you. 2010 in general is very favourable for love, expect plenty of new people and lover's to cross your path especially in the most unexpected places/situations out of the blue. Romantic relations can be quite serious between April-June. October-November can see friends/lovers from the past make an entrance.

Areas of the body such as the bones, joints and skin can be particular sensitive for you in 2010. The months of March and August-September can be particular sensitive to health complaints. During the cold months your throat area can be prone to upset so remember to wrap up warm.


You are having a Taurus sun sign and this year will be going to favorable for you and help you in working on your plans that you are not able to work for in previous year. It will be much better for Taurus people to plan in proper way and make a strategy so that the small difficulties get smashed down. Support from friends and colleagues help you in achieving bigger targets. Along with guidance people born under the sun sign Taurus also need to hear the voice of their inner heart or sixth sense. Taurus Students and Taurus Professionals related to Technical fields will get advantage during this year 2010.

Love and Relationships Horoscope Taurus 2010

Taurus born will experience new depths in your relationships. If you are a single and looking for a partner, the planet Saturn in fifth house might create some hurdles in your way to find a suitable match for you. From January 2010 till May 2010, it remains retrograde and brings some sort of confusion in between you and your love. If you are having someone near to share your views, you need to give proper respect and attention to your partner otherwise you will yourself become reason for the misunderstandings. Jupiter is transiting over tenth house and motivates Taurus sun-sign born to focus more on work as compared to love affairs or relationships. The fifth house (House of Love) and seventh house (House of Spouse/Life Partner) in your horoscope is afflicted by Saturn during this year and you need to be little bit cautious and slow while dealing with your affairs/marriage. If you are still finding a better person for yourself, the months from May 2010 to November 2010 may bring positive results but during September 2010 till October 2010, your mother/elder lady in family may try to bring some confusion in between you and your partner. Better to keep your emotions in control and avoid any sort of aggressive actions. Jupiter remains in retrograde position during July till November 2010 and it will be good if you pay proper attention to your love/partner desires rather then being focused on your interests. You might also have to do some expenses and buy few gifts to make love/spouse happy. Better not to think much about your expenses. The middle of this year 2010 will help Taurus people in gaining confidence of their relatives and other people associated in family. You also try to provide them proper respect and love to pass your extra time with them. Saturn transiting in fifth house will have the power to break your affairs/marriage, hence be careful